What does Professor Lodge do?


Liver Surgery

A liver resection is the surgical removal of a portion of the liver and it is usually done for treatment of liver tumours, both benign or malignant. The procedure may be performed through a traditional open procedure or using minimally invasive techniques.


Weight-Loss Surgery

Also called bariatric or metabolic surgery, these operations are designed to lead to significant weight loss and help improve many obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Successful surgery can add many years of extra life.


Gallbladder Surgery

You may need to have your gallbladder removed if you have gallstones or if your gallbladder becomes diseased or damaged. The most common procedure is laparoscopic cholecystectomy – your gallbladder is removed using keyhole surgery.


Hernia Surgery

Hernia repair surgery is the world’s most common surgical procedure but it is very important that it is done correctly by an experienced surgeon. Hernia surgery can help to relieve pain and strengthen weak muscle areas.

Why Choose Professor Lodge?




Prof Lodge is one of the most experienced surgeons in the world for complex liver surgery. Patients from across the world are referred to Prof Lodge as he takes on cases considered to be inoperable.

Second Opinion

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Getting a diagnosis of cancer is devastating, especially if you have been told the condition is inoperable. You need to make sure that is opinion is correct. Why not ask Prof Lodge to review your case?



It you are considering surgery, it’s important to know what previous patients think about the surgeon. Why not take a look at what past patients have said about Prof Lodge and his surgery?